Here is a collection of frequently asked questions concerning everything related to the ongoing maintenance of garage door systems.
How Can I Tell If My Garage Door Needs Lubrication?
If you don’t take care of your garage doors first they will get noisy then eventually they will break down and stop working. Regularly maintenance like lubricating all moving part will help to avoid any fatal disaster.
If your garage door makes grinding sounds you don’t have to put up with the loud noises and also your neighbor, all you have to do is to spray WD-40 or any silicon based lubricant on your garage door tracks, hinges, wheels and springs and all your problems are over.
We highly recommended to lubricate your garage door moving parts at least twice a year, typically every 6 months, but if you notice your garage door becoming more noisy or perhaps not operating smoothly, it’s a good idea to lubricate it more frequently.
Do Garage Door Openers Require Maintenance?
Most people use their garage door as the primary way to get in to their homes, that means their garage door opener is working overtime.
This extensive use require regular maintenance in order to keep the opener in a proper working condition.
If your garage door opener hasn’t been checked by a professional in the past year it is highly recommended to schedule an appointment with a professional garage door service provider.
A qualified garage door technician can check your opener and lubricate all moving parts. This operation can definitely help long lasting and proper operation of your garage door opener.
What is the Lifespan of a Garage Door?
Most garage doors last up to 15 years, but if you keep a regular maintenance routine they can last longer, steel doors can easily keep up with this average lifespan while wooden doors would definitely need more care to reach the same duration of usage.
If your door is not working properly it could be a security risk which can lead to an off track situation and a total lost of the door, that is why it’s important to address any issue that pop up immediately in order to keep your garage safe and secure.